Bourne Town Council
Bourne Town Council was formed back in 1974 following the Local Government Act 1972. Although called "Bourne Town Council" its responsibilities and powers are actually the same as any Parish Council in that it has certain duties that it must undertake by law within its boundary. The Parish is made up of the whole of Bourne and the villages of Cawthorpe, Dyke and Twenty.
The Bourne Town Council, which meets roughly every six weeks, is made up of 15 councillors. The Parish itself is divided into two distinct areas, known as East and West wards, with 7 representing the East ward and 8 representing the West ward. Every May, one of the members is elected as Chairman of the Council, also known as the Town Mayor. The Council is served by the Town Clerk, currently Ian Sismey, and one Assistant who carry out the day-to-day management of the Council and implement any decisions ensuring that all the legal requirements are complied with by the Council.
The town council are also responsible for Bourne in Bloom which aims to help keep the town looking clean, tidy and colourful by organising regular litter picking, planting and encouraging participation of business owners in adopting planters and hanging baskets in the town. The town gets judged every year in July for its efforts by East Midlands in Bloom Competition who award bronze, silver or gold based on the number of points obtained. For the past few years, the town has achieved a very respectable silver award.
The town council are also responsible for all of the following;
- placeAllotments on South Fen Road
- placeCemetery at South Road
- placeSome of the grass verges in Bourne (responsibility shared with South Kesteven District Council)
- placePublic toilets outside the South Kesteven Access Point and on South Street
- placeChristmas lights display and switch-on
In addition to the above, the town council also help shape decisions made by South Kesteven District Council by having regular meeting with them regarding planning applications.
Bourne Town Council Address
- South Kesteven Community Point
- 3 Abbey Road
- Bourne
- Lincolnshire
- PE10 9EF
Contact Details
Clerk to the Council
- Kirsty Russon
- Tel: 01778 426123
- Email: [email protected]
Assistant Administrator
- Fiona Barker
- Tel: 01778 426123
- Email: Assistant.btc@btconnect.com
Council Support Officer
- Brandon Hibbitt
- Tel: 01778 426123
- E-mail: Deputy.bournetc@btconnect.com
Office opening hours for public are Monday to Friday 9.30am to 4.00pm. Outside these hours by appointment only.