Recruitment in Bourne
Online Job Listings for Bourne
- forwardJobs at Wetherspoons, Bourne
- forwardLinkedIn Bourne Jobs
- forwardAdzuna
- forwardFish4.co.uk
- forwardCV-library.co.uk
- forwardUk.jooble.org/jobs
- forwardJustengineers.net
- forwardMonster.co.uk
- forwardReed.co.uk
- forwardTotaljobs.com
- forwardTrovit.co.uk

Local Recruitment Agencies
- Indigo Accountancy Ltd - Accountancy Recruitment
- Phone: 07590 755076
- Website: www.indigoaccountancy.co.uk
- MorePeople - Agriculture, Food & Drink
- Phone: 01780 480530
- Website: www.morepeople.co.uk
- Phoenix Drivers - LGV/HGV Driving
- Phone: 01775 762686
- Website: www.phoenixdrivers.co.uk
- Zest - Food and Drink Manufacturing
- Phone: 01780 483 999
- Website: www.zestfoodjobs.co.uk
- Encore Personnel - Horticultural, Food, Warehouse and Logistics
- Phone: 01775 248184
- Website: www.encorepersonnel.co.uk
- Integrity Plus - Commercial and Light Industrial
- Phone: 01775 821784
- Website: www.integrityplus.co.uk
- CDS Labour - Agriculture, Horticulture, Industrial, Poultry & Driving
- Phone: 03333 442144
- Website: www.cdslabour.co.uk
- The ONE Group - Accountancy & Finance, Executive, Human Resources, Information Technology, Marketing, Office Support, Technical
- Phone: 01733 234 000
- Website: theonegroup.co.uk
- Workforce Unlimited
- Phone: 01205 355899
- Website: www.workforceunlimited.com
Toolbar brings together unemployed people of Bourne of all ages who are looking for work and ready to enter the workforce.
This free service encourages job seekers to help and encourage each other to find work. Toolbar provides a range of facilities and services to help job seekers find employment in the local area, including all of the following.
- Access to computer and internet facilities
- Assistance with developing Curriculum Vitaes
- Assistance in completing Application forms
- Browsing through the "Situations Vacant" sections of all local newspapers
- Interview Techniques, understanding the process
- Difficult Interview questions and how to answer them
- Introduction to the Internet
- Preparatory Interview with feedback
- Application forms
- Recognising transferable skills
To find out how Toolbar could help you get back into employment, please email [email protected] or call 07749 689026.
Tips for successful job hunting
Uploading an up-to-date copy of your CV to various job sites, such as Indeed and CV-Library, can be a great way to get noticed by recruitment agencies who often browse job sites to find suitable candidates for the jobs they are trying to fill. Most job sites offer you the option to make your CV publicly visible to recruiters.
Creating a public profile on LinkedIn and building up a network of professionals is also a great way to get noticed by recruiters. LinkedIn is a is a social network for professionals - it's like Facebook for your career that allows you to connect with other professionals (think of it as a high-tech equivalent of going to a traditional networking event). LinkedIn is very popular with recruiters who will often use the network to search for candidates that match the skills and experience they are looking for. There is an option that can set to indicate to potential employers that you are actively looking for a new position, so it's important to ensure this is turned on to get the best exposure. It's also recommended to do a search for recruitment agencies in the area and add these to your network, along with adding companies in the area who may well contact you directly if they see you are a good fit for any positions they have available. Furthermore, some recruiters even post available positions directly on LinkedIn and the platform will also send you updates about suitable job vacancies in your area. Essentially, LinkedIn does a lot of the leg work for you and can save you valuable time in getting yourself out there - it's important, however, to ensure the information about you is concise, accurate and up-to-date as this could be the difference between getting lots of leads or nothing at all.
Although most employers now post any available job vacancies online across the many job sites, it's always worth contacting employers in the area directly - not only does this immediately put you on a positive footing due to a personal connection, but may also help you secure a position that is yet to be advertised. Even if there are no positions available at the time, the employer may put you on a list of contacts should a suitable position become available in the near future.
It's also well worth registering your details with any local recruitment agencies as these can then work on your behalf to find you a suitable position in the area. Recruitment agencies are specialists at matching a candidate’s skill set and experience to suitable vacancies and so can take a lot of leg work out of helping you find a position that suits you. They will have also often built up good relationships with a lot of top employers in the area, giving you exclusive access to their jobs. You may also get put forward for positions that you wouldn't otherwise have heard about. Furthermore, they can offer advice and guidance on CV's, cover letters and other aspects of applying for a position.
Why a CV is important
A CV could be considered the most important part of job hunting because it is the first and maybe only direct communication with a potential employer. For this reason alone, it should be carefully thought out, designed and written so that it makes an immediate positive impact to a potential employer. It is essentially a marketing tool that gives you a opportunity to sell yourself and your abilities to employers - it could well be the difference between getting an interview and not getting an interview.
The information shown on a CV should be concise, accurate and well presented. It is important not to lie or elaborate on your skills and experience, as employers may well catch you out on any fabrications when interviewing you.
A CV should contain all the following information;
- Personal summary/career objective
- Career history
- Academic qualifications
- Areas of expertise
- References
If you don't feel confident enough to produce a CV yourself, there are plenty of online services that can produce a CV for you - you simply provide the information you want adding to the CV and this will be created for you using a professional format. Reed.co.uk, for example, provides a great online service to produce a great looking CV: www.reed.co.uk/cvbuilder.
How to write a CV - Tips and advice to help you land a job
The search for a new job can feel daunting, particularly as so many changes have happened in the world of work in such a short space of time. With the job market more saturated than ever and the vast majority of companies turning to remote ways of working, there's plenty to get up to speed with when it comes time to seek a new role.
Luckily, once you've done your initial planning and preparation, your foundational work is done. This includes creating a standout CV, guaranteed to get noticed by potential employers. How you choose to construct your CV will depend on the kind of roles that you're applying for, as well as your previous educational and industry experience. However, there are some elements that every great CV should have, no matter your professional background or aspirations. Want to learn more about these insights? They're detailed here, in a guide by s1jobs on how to write a CV.
From writing an introductory paragraph to detailing your interests and crafting a supporting cover letter, the guide covers every step of the process to creating a CV sure to beat the competition. Plus, it even includes helpful resume templates should you need any inspiration prior to getting started.
Of course, it's important to remember that there's more to landing your dream job than clear, concise application documents. For some people, shining at the interview stage will go a long way in achieving success. Despite this fact, an excellent CV will always stand you in good stead when it comes to submitting that initial application, and is almost guaranteed to open doors for you professionally. So, make a good first impression, and optimise your CV to suit the fast-paced, ever-changing job market.
Things to consider when looking for employment
It's important to consider the whole package when deciding whether a job is right for you, not just the salary. For example, a position that offers more leave allowance may be worth sacrificing a higher salary and maybe considered hugely advantageous to someone wanting to spend more quality time with the family. The standard leave allowance in the UK is 20 days plus bank holidays but many businesses recognise that time away from work is important in maintaining a work-life balance and so offer more than this. For those with children, flexitime may also be a huge perk as this may allow parents to work around childcare issues and establish a better work-life balance. Furthermore, location can play a big part in a position - working closer to home means less time spent commuting and less money spent on running costs (not to mention clocking up less miles on a car). That said, traveling a little further to work, to near-by Peterborough, for example, could mean a higher salary. Working environment should also be a consideration - consider if you work better in a small tight-knit company or a larger, more corporate business. The latter often provides more opportunity for promotion and career progression; however, you may find that you have more input in a smaller company.