Clubs & Activities in Bourne
1 Hub Bourne - Youth Club
- Telephone: 07880 703784
- Email: [email protected]
- Queens Bourne
- Bourne
- Lincolnshire
- PE10 9DX
1 Hub Bourne operate as a youth club and provide school holiday provision, bespoke children's parties, functions room hire and a variety of clubs & activities.
Apollo Dance
- Telephone: 01778 218040
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: https://www.facebook.com/apollodance2/
- Bourne Youth Centre
- Queens Road
- Bourne
Children's dance classes from walking age upwards, and adult fitness classes.
Batminton Club
- Telephone: 01778 301099
- Bourne Leisure Centre
- Queens Road
- Bourne
- Lincolnshire
- PE10 9DX
The club takes place at the Sports Halls, Bourne Leisure Centre
Board Games at The Mason Arms
- Telephone: 01778 422588
- 11 South Street
- Bourne
- Lincolnshire
- PE10 9LY
There are a wide selection of popular board games that are available to play with during pub opening times.
Bourne & District Lions Club
- Telephone: 0345 833 2810
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: https://bournelions.org
- 7A
- Burghley Street
- Bourne
- Lincolnshire
- PE10 9NS
Bourne and District Lions Club is part of Lions Clubs International the largest service charity in the world, known locally as Bourne Lions, the club has been serving the community of Bourne and the surrounding villages since 1975.
Lion members are all volunteers and every penny raised by the Lions goes back into the community, not one penny goes on administration, this is something we are very proud of. Our motto is "WE SERVE". We meet at the Royal British Legion Club in Burghley Street, every 2nd and 4th Monday of each month and new members are welcome, more details can be found on our website.
Bourne & District Round Table 896
- Telephone: 07904 343514
A community orientated social group in Bourne Lincolnshire for young men aged 18-45. Meetings are carried out and various activities (principally sporting) are organised.
Bourne & Morton Cycling Club
- Telephone: 07590 265966
- Website: http://www.facebook.com/BourneandMortonCC/
A Bourne based social cycling club, affiliated with British Cycling, who cater for any cyclists, from seasoned to total beginners.
Bourne & Stamford Scouts
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: https://www.stamfordbournescouts.org.uk
Bourne and District Lions Club
- Telephone: 0345 833 2810
- Website: https://bournelions.org/
- 7A Burghley Street
- Bourne
- Lincolnshire
- PE10 9NS
The Bourne Lions are a group of service-minded men and women who are interested in improving their communities.
Bourne Bible Study Group
- Telephone: 01529421389
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: http://www.bourneevangelical.org
A weekly meeting of like minded Christians who desire to delve a little deeper into the Word of God. Tuesday 7:30 - 8:30 pm Eastgate Church, Eastgate, Bourne. Studies follow the conservative evangelical tradition. Free event.
Bourne Bounce
- Telephone: 07921 666407
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: bookwhen.com/bouncebourne
- 1 Hub Bourne
- Queens Road
- Bourne
- Lincolnshire
A high energy and fun workout using mini trampolines.
Bourne Bridge Club
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: http://www.bridgewebs.com/bourne
Meet twice weekly, Tuesday gentle bridge with tea break, Thursday Club night 7 pm - 10 pm Aim to be seated by 6.50 pm £2.50 table money Visitors welcome. Located at Masonic Hall, Roman Bank, Bourne, PE10 9LQ.
Bourne Cricket Club
- Telephone: 01778 420900
- Website: https://bournecricketclub.co.uk
- Abbey Lawn
- Abbey Road
- Bourne
Bourne CC is one of the premier cricket clubs in Lincolnshire, boasting some of the best facilities in the county at the Abbey Lawn.
Bourne Friendship Group
- Telephone: 03455 564144
- Email: [email protected]
- Wake House
- North Street
- Bourne
- Lincolnshire
Our Age UK Friendship Group in Bourne is open to everyone aged 50 plus, who would like to get out and about, meet new people, see interesting guest speakers, get useful, helpful and practical advice on a range of subjects from Fraud Prevention to Fire Safety.
Kindly sponsored by The Len Pick Trust, we are now able to open up our friendly group to people twice a month, on the 2 nd and 4 th Tuesday of the month. We meet at Wake House, 41 North Street, Bourne, PE10 9AE, 10am to midday.
Tea, coffee and biscuits are always on offer, plus a wide range of activities, games, guest speakers and more.
£4 per person, no need to book, just come along whenever you can and join the group.
Bourne Gateway Club
- Website: http://www.bournegateway.org.uk
We host popular social evenings with occasional day trips and dining. Our aim is to provide social experience for the special needs and learning disabilities community. We are open almost every Monday evening at The Masonic Centre, Roman Bank, Bourne, Lincolnshire. PE10 9LQ.
Bourne Judo Club
- Telephone: 01778 440430
- Email: [email protected]
Judo classes held at Darby and Joan, Bourne. We train on Wednesday evenings from 6.45pm to 9.30pm, depending on your age. All our coaches have relevant qualifications and insurance.
Bourne Leisure Centre Group Exercise Classes
- Telephone: 01778 301099
- Website: www.leisuresk.co.uk/exercise-classes
- Bourne Leisure Centre
- Queens Road
- Bourne
- Lincolnshire
- PE10 9DX
We offer a wide range of group exercise classes across the three leisure centres; in the various exercise studios, the pools and now also online. Anyone can participate in our group exercise classes, whether you have a full membership or pay-as-you-go.
Bourne Pyramid Club
- Telephone: 01778 422229
- 63
- West Street
- Bourne
- Lincolnshire
- PE10 9NB
Snooker, pool and social club.
Bourne Rotary Club
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: https://www.rotary-ribi.org
Do you need a new challenge - friendship - purpose? Join the Rotary Clubn and good things happen!
Bourne Rugby - Mini & Juniors
- Telephone: 07771489644
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: https://www.pitchero.com/clubs/bournerufc
Rugby for age 6+. Minis & Juniors train on Sunday mornings. 1st XV compete in Midlands 3 East - South. New players & supporters always welcome. See website and club Facebook page for more info. Milking Nook Drove, off Spalding Road, PE10 0AX